First of all, just a brief intro about the A.G family..
It's a group of friends which consists of 5 members.. Got the name from Alan during chemistry.. an an? Mase kat lab tu kan?? Tah la, lupe kot..
Well, based on the periodic table of elements, the chemical symbol for silver is AG, and that's when it struck alan..and there! The AG FAMILY was borned!
U must be wondering, what does AG stand for? well.. here it is.. @_@
A= Apish, Alan, Amad, Acap
G= GIMAN! *me!*
U guys totally rock my world!
Sharing secrets, telling jokes or just simply goofying around with u guys are really fun!
And sorry guys for being the 'poop in the party' sometimes..
And yes, aku control ar
masalah aku tu okeh, jgn wisau ;D
Long live AG family hoh! ooppsss... 'hoh!' strikes again! Sorry to that particular person...

During our recent outing.. Missin apis ;(
acap amek gmba hoh!