Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Webcam Craze!

What do you get when you have 3 people, a laptop with a webcam and nothing to do at McDonalds?
THIS! (:

THIS happened while me, amad and lisa were waiting for our intensive class to start.
Since there's a McD nearby, we decided to have breakfast there. So, i brought my laptop thinking there's wireless connection, but there wasn't :(
Then, after we finished our breakfast.. It just happened.. lol.. And it lasted for about, 20 mins i think, and the total snapshots were 478! Beat that! Hahahahaha! =))

Sunday, December 7, 2008

What the fish??!!

Eeeeeeeee! Im so frustrated!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhh!!! I just feel like cursing non stop right now!
Well, recently... my laptop kena format so i saved all of my photography artworks on my dad's external hard disk..
But then, bila connect that external hard disk back to my laptop.. Nothin was detected. So then, my dad checked it at some computer shop.. and it was found that the external hard disk crashed due to some viruses i think..
And now, all of my artworks since early 2007 are gone.. GONE I TELL YA!! EEE...
Whoahhhh! @#@&^#@&#*@# strikes! :O
Ok, calm down jiman.. dude, it's not the end of the world kan.. Besides, at least my skills aren't gone kan kan!! (:

Well.. it's already 0153 hours.. and here i am, in pasir mas kelatan with my cousins are still wide awake O.O.. And since we have nothing to do, we found this disgusting and nauseating site..
It's a site where people upload their, umm... uhhh! I don't even want to say it :-&
And my advice, don't visit if u're eating something that's brownish at the moment.
Viewer discretion is advised (: Lol..

Well, finally.. I want to wish SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA to all my muslim friends and relatives ;)

Yeah, i got to experience the flood in kelantan! Bes gila weh!
Well until then, taliho! ;D

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Amariah!

Amariahhhhhhh!!! Happy Birthday!!
Yeay! U're already 16! Welcome to the club my friend! :DD
Thanks for inviting me and amad to ur sweet 16 outing.. Anddd twilight was amazing! Gosh, at first i thought.. "okay, it's some lame love movie..BORING!"
But then, i totally got into it! And i thought.. WHOA, THIS IS SOME MOVIE!
And yeah, i cried.. okay, maybe that was a bit too much info.. malu gle! hahahaha

I really had a great time with you, lisa, bibi, amad, akmal and bain that day! ^^;
U guys rock my life!!!

And now it's time for the wishes in multi languages! weee~

English- Happy Birthday
BM- Selamat Hari Jadi
French- joyeux anniversaire
Italian- buon compleanno
Japanese- o tanjôbi omedetô gozaimasu
CHINESE (MANDARIN)- sheng ri kuai le
NORWEGIAN- gratulerer med dagen
TAMIL- piranda naal vaazhthukkal

Okay, maybe that's enough eyh? Hahahaha
And i would also like to thank you for being one of my best friends!

from left; lisa, akmal, amariah and... O.O" hahahaha...

Yeah, we like to strike silly poses! XP


Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Sorry guys.. I've not been blogging lately. I'll be back soon (:
And to those who read this blog frequently, don't stop okayh! Hahahahaha

Until Then!
Jiman (:

Friday, October 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Amad!

Happy Bday Mad! Semoge pnjng umowwwww....
And agk2 ble la ko nk couple dgn 'TUTTT'... tuh.. hoh
Bes an jd cokodok! xD

Happy belated birthday Qeela!

Happy 16th bday qeela!! *u're getting OLDER* lol..
Thx 4 inviting all of us *amanianz* to ur birthday party! Alhough u x kena jadi cengkodok, tak aci tak aci! hehehehehe..
Don't mind the guy with the red tshirt behind us..


Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Ahhhhhhhh... the irony!!
I hate examsssssss... duh!! Who likes them?? Lol..
Not much to say, as u may probably know why im posting on this ~_~"
Well, to everyone who'll be having their final exams.. GOOD LUCK! DO UR BEST!
Jgn nk termenung mse jawab paper uh!

Friday, October 17, 2008

The A.G family!

First of all, just a brief intro about the A.G family..
It's a group of friends which consists of 5 members.. Got the name from Alan during chemistry.. an an? Mase kat lab tu kan?? Tah la, lupe kot..

Well, based on the periodic table of elements, the chemical symbol for silver is AG, and that's when it struck alan..and there! The AG FAMILY was borned!
U must be wondering, what does AG stand for? well.. here it is.. @_@
A= Apish, Alan, Amad, Acap
G= GIMAN! *me!*

U guys totally rock my world!
Sharing secrets, telling jokes or just simply goofying around with u guys are really fun!
And sorry guys for being the 'poop in the party' sometimes..
And yes, aku control ar masalah aku tu okeh, jgn wisau ;D

Long live AG family hoh! ooppsss... 'hoh!' strikes again! Sorry to that particular person...

During our recent outing.. Missin apis ;(
acap amek gmba hoh!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2008 at Kg. Pandan

Okay, first of all i would like to wish SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN to all my muslim friends and relatives! Please forgive me if i've done anything wrong to u guys or I'll feel guilty ):
This year's celebration at Kg. Pandan was an extravaganza! Everything was perfect! The food, the atmosphere, amazing photoshoots and not to forget.. the $$$ *kaching*! RM250 so far :D

Well, there's much to talk about so, let the pictorez do the talking..
By the way, 1 photo= 1000 words rite? xD

Arshad receiving his duit raya from my mom. And the rest are my cousins.. (:

Yeah i know.. o_o"

Highlight of the day.. Love candit shots! xD
Note that im way at the back and my face is 1/2 blocked ~_~"

And that concludes my eid mubarak post

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Okay, just a short recap of the week. Well, nothing interesting happened at school this week, except, maybe on tuesday, where i fainted during the morning assembly :O .. Nah, it's no biggy, I'm fine now ;D. Oh, and Pn. Rihana was suprisingly nice. I dunno lah, she didn't say anything to us...
Ummm, what else ehh.. O yeah, saturday was great! Had bukak puasa at Arshad and Ashraf's, though, arshad wasn't there. Mmmmm.. we had nasi beriyani, nan, mee hoon and loads more. And for desert, famous amos' soft cookies, nyum3.
Alasttttt, arshad came back from yasmin's party and mama idah decided to bring us to starbucks for supper, weeeeeeee.... The best thing was we were all wearing black, coincidence? Nahhhhhh.. And we took pictures of ourselves with our so called signature poses xD. Let the pictures do the talking ;D

Yeah, i know.. Very noobish indeed eyh?

Chit chating with my cousins at starbucks was fun. I told them this dirty joke about "THE ITALIAN MAN WHO WENT TO MALTA" and they laughed their pants of, especially arshad who kept blurting his mocha frappuccino, lol! Mmmm, the tuna sandwich and the tiramisu was nice though, not forgetting my all time favourite Caramel Frappucino.. Mmmm, i dunno why i'm so addicted to it..slrrrpppp

Ahh, the drink was very rejuvenating... Can see mama idah back there, Lol

Arshad with his Mocha Farppucino :)

Looks like someone's sleepy ;)

And that's pretty much it people.
Another fun week in my super dupper happy life (:
Peace Out! ^_^V

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Best Buddies

A friend is a person known well to another and regarded with liking, affection and loyalty - Collins English Dictionary

1. THE A.G FAMILY *not technically a family*

Apis A.G, with his passion for archery, i think... Hahaha, practise makes perfect "PEACE"!

Alan A.G: The ultimate joker in 4 AMAN and a huge M.U fan!

Amad A.G: My tablemate for this year. Very smooth with da chiks xD

Acap A.G: I certainly have no words to describe this dude.. Hahahahahaha! *lauging sarcastically*

2. Roro(Tirah) and Neenuts(Afina)

From left, Neenuts and roro: Althought we've been through loads of ups and downs but in the end, we managed to call each other 'FRIEND' ;D

3. Aainaa

Miss you, hope you're doing fine in Johore friend ;)

4. Kinah a.k.a Kambeng...*Bek bek*

Hahahaha, goodluck with ur new braces and ur new life in MJSC Kuala Kubu Bharu friend ;)

4. Ex-classmates *Nuranians*

U guys rock!! Thanks for the laptop prank guys! xD

5. Amanianz (4 AMAN)

My current classmates, u guys are d best ;D

Referees for the recent BALING SELIPAR tournament
Top; Syamir
Bottom from left; Aqilah, tirah and wanee

During our recent English sketch competition.. Managed to get 2nd place

Couldn't imagine life without friends. To be depressed is to be lonely, to have a friend is to be happy.
So appreciate that u have friends to cherish ur life with ;D

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Happy Ramadhan to all Muslims!

May we improve ourselves spiritually and be reminded of the greatness of ALLAH swt.
May we all be blessed by The Almighty.
Selamat menyambut ramadhan al-mubarak.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Merdeka Jogathon 2008

Ahhh, yesterday was the day of the Merdeka Jogathon. It was held at my school (SMKBBB). Me n my buddies managed to burn our flabs xD.

The goal for this jogathon was to obtain enough money to upgrade the school's facilities and of course, to instill patriotism among all of us.

Let the pictures do the talking :D

From left: Me and amad. Warming up..

More warm ups! From left: Syamir and Syafiq

The race started at 9.00 a.m after a warming up. We had to finish the 7.7km route and it wasn't that easy. Most of the terrains along the route weren't very smooth as there were lots of pipe works along the way. It was quite embarassing on the fact that me and friends did not see anyone along a the route. And it struck us, we were wayyyyyyy behind!

Nobody in sight, except for me,iban and amad..
Acap dah pecut mane daa.....

In the end, we managed to finish the route. When we arrived back at the starting point (school), everyone was already in the hall for the prize giving ceremony. So, we decided to take off our number tags to reduce the embrassement xD

In the end, the event concluded with everyone present singing the MERDEKA and JALUR GEMILANG SONG!

A candid shot with athirah and her brother xD.
Jangan marah tirah :x

Overall, alan n apis xde sayu la jugak... Gang incomplete..



Hello guys! This is my first time blogging.. So i hope to obtain the ultimate blogging experience. Hmmm, that's all i guess for my first post! See u guys!
