Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Amariah!

Amariahhhhhhh!!! Happy Birthday!!
Yeay! U're already 16! Welcome to the club my friend! :DD
Thanks for inviting me and amad to ur sweet 16 outing.. Anddd twilight was amazing! Gosh, at first i thought.. "okay, it's some lame love movie..BORING!"
But then, i totally got into it! And i thought.. WHOA, THIS IS SOME MOVIE!
And yeah, i cried.. okay, maybe that was a bit too much info.. malu gle! hahahaha

I really had a great time with you, lisa, bibi, amad, akmal and bain that day! ^^;
U guys rock my life!!!

And now it's time for the wishes in multi languages! weee~

English- Happy Birthday
BM- Selamat Hari Jadi
French- joyeux anniversaire
Italian- buon compleanno
Japanese- o tanjôbi omedetô gozaimasu
CHINESE (MANDARIN)- sheng ri kuai le
NORWEGIAN- gratulerer med dagen
TAMIL- piranda naal vaazhthukkal

Okay, maybe that's enough eyh? Hahahaha
And i would also like to thank you for being one of my best friends!

from left; lisa, akmal, amariah and... O.O" hahahaha...

Yeah, we like to strike silly poses! XP


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