Eeeeeeeee! Im so frustrated!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhh!!! I just feel like cursing non stop right now!
Well, recently... my laptop kena format so i saved all of my photography artworks on my dad's external hard disk..
But then, bila connect that external hard disk back to my laptop.. Nothin was detected. So then, my dad checked it at some computer shop.. and it was found that the external hard disk crashed due to some viruses i think..
And now, all of my artworks since early 2007 are gone.. GONE I TELL YA!! EEE...
Whoahhhh! @#@&^#@*@# strikes! :O
Ok, calm down jiman.. dude, it's not the end of the world kan.. Besides, at least my skills aren't gone kan kan!! (:
Well.. it's already 0153 hours.. and here i am, in pasir mas kelatan with my cousins are still wide awake O.O.. And since we have nothing to do, we found this disgusting and nauseating site..
It's a site where people upload their, umm... uhhh! I don't even want to say it :-&
And my advice, don't visit if u're eating something that's brownish at the moment.
Viewer discretion is advised (: Lol..
Well, finally.. I want to wish SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA to all my muslim friends and relatives ;)
Yeah, i got to experience the flood in kelantan! Bes gila weh!
Well until then, taliho! ;D