Bosan dohhh..
Trials da dkt..
I need to focus, yet, my laptop is still seducing me :'(
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Current Addiction :D
1. Chow Yan fried rice at Kawan Kopitiam
2. Old Town's french tose
3. Acik's mee bakso.. slrrppp
4. Burger dpn Hassan Cafe uh.. *craving for that!*
5. Nestle's milky bar :)
1. Moonlight Sonata - Ludwig Van Beethoven
2. Apology - Alesana
3. Love game - Lady Gaga
4. Be with you - Akon
5. Goodbye - Kristina
1. SPM referrence books *pfft*
2. Impulse
3. Beethoven: Life & Music
4. The Green Mile
5. Konserto Terkhir
* I don't watch tv much lately*
Urmm.. can't think of anymore addictions
1. Chow Yan fried rice at Kawan Kopitiam
2. Old Town's french tose
3. Acik's mee bakso.. slrrppp
4. Burger dpn Hassan Cafe uh.. *craving for that!*
5. Nestle's milky bar :)
1. Moonlight Sonata - Ludwig Van Beethoven
2. Apology - Alesana
3. Love game - Lady Gaga
4. Be with you - Akon
5. Goodbye - Kristina
1. SPM referrence books *pfft*
2. Impulse
3. Beethoven: Life & Music
4. The Green Mile
5. Konserto Terkhir
* I don't watch tv much lately*
Urmm.. can't think of anymore addictions
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Eh Eh
Ehhh ada update ah! Jakun jakun! weeeeeeeee~
Grawrrr! Hmm ape eyh, well monthly test bru je hbs, tomolow ade kuiz fizik kebangsaan.. Barely studied for that :O
Well today today ade paper physics, maths and est..
Alhamdulillah, all of em was quite easeyhhh! :D
Then this afternoon pegi sebok dgn nuranianz punye photoshoot.. The Dating group punye photo bes gle, with nesh in the middle..
haha, *partially drools* *__* ;P. After that went to mcd with teeya, afina and izyan.. Met with azri, will miss u again dood! D;
Well, that's pretty much it i guess for this post
Photo of the post:

Love Em!! Rawrr! :D:D
Grawrrr! Hmm ape eyh, well monthly test bru je hbs, tomolow ade kuiz fizik kebangsaan.. Barely studied for that :O
Well today today ade paper physics, maths and est..
Alhamdulillah, all of em was quite easeyhhh! :D
Then this afternoon pegi sebok dgn nuranianz punye photoshoot.. The Dating group punye photo bes gle, with nesh in the middle..
haha, *partially drools* *__* ;P. After that went to mcd with teeya, afina and izyan.. Met with azri, will miss u again dood! D;
Well, that's pretty much it i guess for this post
Photo of the post:

Love Em!! Rawrr! :D:D
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Hey doods and doodeds! Just updating this blog to inform yall that i might not be updating for quite some time since SPM is just four months away!! *dumm dumm dumm!*
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Perghhh da lame da blogging bhaii! Grr.. Virus masuk laptop shiialll, all of my est reports are goneee! ^(@*(@ Have to redo them all over again, but this time i think im going to do the old fashion way, wich is hand written :D..
Im gonna rojak for this post so hope u guys don't mind :)
Geezzz... School starts on Monday! So not in the mood to go to school!
Well, for the record.. I had a great 2 week break! Spent most of the time with my friends! Hahaha.. U guys rock doe! Went to wani's birthday party with Amad lastnight! Bes gila! I had to entertain the small kids.. Pfft, mcm clown -___-". Anyway, thanks wani for inviting us! :)
Well guys, i have no idea what to add more..
Im not quite in the mood for blogging or going online the fact tht im using a very old PC...
Okayy, i need to finish 4 more EST reports yg kne submit esok!
Gahhh! FUDGin laptop! Backup xde doeee D;
Well, to all my schoolmates, see u guys at school tomorrow!
Im gonna rojak for this post so hope u guys don't mind :)
Geezzz... School starts on Monday! So not in the mood to go to school!
Well, for the record.. I had a great 2 week break! Spent most of the time with my friends! Hahaha.. U guys rock doe! Went to wani's birthday party with Amad lastnight! Bes gila! I had to entertain the small kids.. Pfft, mcm clown -___-". Anyway, thanks wani for inviting us! :)
Well guys, i have no idea what to add more..
Im not quite in the mood for blogging or going online the fact tht im using a very old PC...
Okayy, i need to finish 4 more EST reports yg kne submit esok!
Gahhh! FUDGin laptop! Backup xde doeee D;
Well, to all my schoolmates, see u guys at school tomorrow!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Im upset.. Why? I missed arshad's birthday party yesterday D;
Ashikin texted me regarding the party yesterday at approximately 2p.m.. Totally forgot about it!
Dude! Im so sorry i couldn't make it! I had to go to British council! Pfft..
Ashikin texted me regarding the party yesterday at approximately 2p.m.. Totally forgot about it!
Dude! Im so sorry i couldn't make it! I had to go to British council! Pfft..
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Ngeng ;PP
Yahoo! Im going back to Bangi tomorrow peeps!
Gahh, i miss my gigolo Amad! Hah can't wait to meet him tomorrow doee! Die ajk wani gakk.. Grr sebok je wanii! ;PP Jgn mrh wani! I Lap u guys okay! And both of u look cute together! *People AWWWSSSSSSS..* hahahah! *psstt! Mind the rojak*
What else eyhhh! Hah, will sleeping over at azlan's tomorrow nite, mlm tu hang out with syada and azie at Fifteen! Miss u guys doe!
Pffftttt! Have to wake up early tomollooowww... Flight pkul 9pg doe O:
Im just glad that im going back to Bangi! Home sweet home.. Not to forget Mama, i miss ur presence, everytime u go online at the sofa in the living room with ur feet crossed, and the tv watching you.. Lol, i just miss that sight.. =(
Well, i feel like putting some photos in this post..
So, here are some random photos of my buddies that i took on May 2009! Enjoy! :D

Acap in geeky outfit with Lily :)
Before our recent 70's sketch
Before our recent 70's sketch
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Pfft.. lol
Idk why this happens all the time... And i don't think i have to mention it kan
Har har.. It's been ages since my last post about the long survey, since i had no idea what to post... Pfft
Hey, May was such a great month, not including the mid terms.. lol!
Staying back after school pratising our sketch for hari guru was fun! Thx to mas, our director and other crew members the performance was a success! We had to perform a sketch about a geek who changed a lot after her friends transformed her.. Yeah, it's like those inspirational movies u often watch on disney channel.. Hahahahah!
Well, idk what to do during the holidays rite now. Has a short trip to penang with mama last monday, and now im in kelantan until sunday
Gahhh! Im boredddddddd and boringggg! Yeah, no mistakes with the grammar :)
I miss manjaing with my friends especially with AGs! Ahhh rindu korg dohhh!
And not to forget Azie, Lan and Syadah! Gosh, i really miss hanging out with u guys!
Wogayh jiman! Promise me that you will update often wogayh! :D
Hahaha, im still bored...
Someone please give a kiss or a hug.. Plishhh? :(
Lap Korg basah kuyup! :D
Idk why this happens all the time... And i don't think i have to mention it kan
Har har.. It's been ages since my last post about the long survey, since i had no idea what to post... Pfft
Hey, May was such a great month, not including the mid terms.. lol!
Staying back after school pratising our sketch for hari guru was fun! Thx to mas, our director and other crew members the performance was a success! We had to perform a sketch about a geek who changed a lot after her friends transformed her.. Yeah, it's like those inspirational movies u often watch on disney channel.. Hahahahah!
Well, idk what to do during the holidays rite now. Has a short trip to penang with mama last monday, and now im in kelantan until sunday
Gahhh! Im boredddddddd and boringggg! Yeah, no mistakes with the grammar :)
I miss manjaing with my friends especially with AGs! Ahhh rindu korg dohhh!
And not to forget Azie, Lan and Syadah! Gosh, i really miss hanging out with u guys!
Wogayh jiman! Promise me that you will update often wogayh! :D
Hahaha, im still bored...
Someone please give a kiss or a hug.. Plishhh? :(
Lap Korg basah kuyup! :D
Friday, April 10, 2009
Okay, first of all, the reason that the post is entitled as so is because of the song played on National Geographic. U know, the BummBeeAaaaDaahhBummBeeAaaaDaahh.. lol XP.
Ohh what to write what to write...
This is why i seldom update my blog, i absolutely no idea on what to write here..
Nothing interesting happened in my life recently, except the unexpected Apri test for form 5 students O: . Jap, nk pergi toilet *lol, too much info XD*
Okay, it struck me, RANDOMNESS! Lol, i found that quite common in most blogs these days. So here's a survey on random facts about me! :)
Is your second toe longer than your first?
kinda, lol!
Do you have a favorite type of pen?
Look at your planner for March 14, what are you doing?
been there done that
What color are your toenails usually?
lutsinar :D
What was the last thing you highlighted?
my biology reference
What color are your bedroom curtains?
colourful.. weee!
What color are the seats in your car?
dun have one YET!
Have you ever had a black and white cat?
Yeah.. My late Geaorgie.. Al-fatihah =(
What is the last thing you put a stamp on?
can't recall
Do you know anyone who lives in Wyoming?
nope :P
Why did you withdraw cash from the ATM the last time?
To buy KFC for Nesh's sweet 17 :D
Who is the last baby that you held?
Azie punye niece kot..
Do you know of any twins with rhyming names?
Do you like Cinnamon toothpaste?
eww.. ade ke? O:
What kind of car were you driving 2 years ago?
Pick one: Miami Hurricanes or Florida Gators
Miami Hurricanes.. weee!
Last time you went to Six Flags?
never been there
Do you have any wallpaper in your house?
Closest thing to you that is yellow:
My boxer pants.. Lol!
Last person to give you a business card?
saya masih kecil lah
Who is the last person you wrote a check to?
Closest framed picture to you?
family potrait
Last time you had someone cook for you?
Td je, Ane dkt hassan cafe :P
Have you ever applied for welfare?
How many emails do you have?
1293 :D
Last time you received flowers/flower?
last week.. thx nesh, azie, amad n fasyaz! :D
Do you think the sanctity of marriage is meant for only a man & woman?
entah ar..
What are you listening to right now?
When i grow up by Mayday Parade
Do you play air guitar?
sadly no :(
Do you have any Willow Tree figurines?
don't know what that is
What is your high school's rival mascot?
xde pon
who is the last person you talked to from high school?
anak Encik Sabiamad :P
Last time you used hand sanitizer?
can't recall
Would you like to learn to play the drums?
yeah, why not :D
What color are the blinds in your living room?
white kot
What is in your inbox at work?
xde pape
Last thing you read in the newspaper?
Political crap :P
What was the last pageant you attended?
never been to one
What is the last place you bought pizza from?
pizza hut
Have you ever worn a crown?
origami crown (:
What is the last thing you stapled?
keyboard theory notes
Did you ever drink clear Pepsi?
Are you ticklish?
Last time you saw fireworks?
citrwarna 08
Last time you had a Krispy Kreme doughnut?
Who is the last person that left you a message on your cell?
azie sabiamad
Last time you parked under a carport?
Do you have a black dog?
Do you have any pickles in your fridge?
yup :)
How long have they been there??
does it matter? -__-"
Who has the prettiest eyes that you know of?
you you! :D
Last time you saw a semi truck?
this evening
Do you remember Ugly Kid Joe?
Do you have a little black dress?
no way..
Ohh what to write what to write...
This is why i seldom update my blog, i absolutely no idea on what to write here..
Nothing interesting happened in my life recently, except the unexpected Apri test for form 5 students O: . Jap, nk pergi toilet *lol, too much info XD*
Okay, it struck me, RANDOMNESS! Lol, i found that quite common in most blogs these days. So here's a survey on random facts about me! :)
Is your second toe longer than your first?
kinda, lol!
Do you have a favorite type of pen?
Look at your planner for March 14, what are you doing?
been there done that
What color are your toenails usually?
lutsinar :D
What was the last thing you highlighted?
my biology reference
What color are your bedroom curtains?
colourful.. weee!
What color are the seats in your car?
dun have one YET!
Have you ever had a black and white cat?
Yeah.. My late Geaorgie.. Al-fatihah =(
What is the last thing you put a stamp on?
can't recall
Do you know anyone who lives in Wyoming?
nope :P
Why did you withdraw cash from the ATM the last time?
To buy KFC for Nesh's sweet 17 :D
Who is the last baby that you held?
Azie punye niece kot..
Do you know of any twins with rhyming names?
Do you like Cinnamon toothpaste?
eww.. ade ke? O:
What kind of car were you driving 2 years ago?
Pick one: Miami Hurricanes or Florida Gators
Miami Hurricanes.. weee!
Last time you went to Six Flags?
never been there
Do you have any wallpaper in your house?
Closest thing to you that is yellow:
My boxer pants.. Lol!
Last person to give you a business card?
saya masih kecil lah
Who is the last person you wrote a check to?
Closest framed picture to you?
family potrait
Last time you had someone cook for you?
Td je, Ane dkt hassan cafe :P
Have you ever applied for welfare?
How many emails do you have?
1293 :D
Last time you received flowers/flower?
last week.. thx nesh, azie, amad n fasyaz! :D
Do you think the sanctity of marriage is meant for only a man & woman?
entah ar..
What are you listening to right now?
When i grow up by Mayday Parade
Do you play air guitar?
sadly no :(
Do you have any Willow Tree figurines?
don't know what that is
What is your high school's rival mascot?
xde pon
who is the last person you talked to from high school?
anak Encik Sabiamad :P
Last time you used hand sanitizer?
can't recall
Would you like to learn to play the drums?
yeah, why not :D
What color are the blinds in your living room?
white kot
What is in your inbox at work?
xde pape
Last thing you read in the newspaper?
Political crap :P
What was the last pageant you attended?
never been to one
What is the last place you bought pizza from?
pizza hut
Have you ever worn a crown?
origami crown (:
What is the last thing you stapled?
keyboard theory notes
Did you ever drink clear Pepsi?
Are you ticklish?
Last time you saw fireworks?
citrwarna 08
Last time you had a Krispy Kreme doughnut?
Who is the last person that left you a message on your cell?
azie sabiamad
Last time you parked under a carport?
Do you have a black dog?
Do you have any pickles in your fridge?
yup :)
How long have they been there??
does it matter? -__-"
Who has the prettiest eyes that you know of?
you you! :D
Last time you saw a semi truck?
this evening
Do you remember Ugly Kid Joe?
Do you have a little black dress?
no way..
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Hey there peeps.. I don't know why im feeling so numb recently.. It's like there's something attched to ur heart, a virus, and it's been affecting me quite seriously. I can't seem to focus on my studies, have appetites and smile honestly. Every night, before i go to bed, i will always listen to this..
It's one of beethoven's masterpieces..
And also my lullaby
Sometimes, i cry myself to sleep while listening to it............
It's one of beethoven's masterpieces..
And also my lullaby
Sometimes, i cry myself to sleep while listening to it............
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Booyah peeps! Finally, i had the hunch to update my blog! Why? Because i finally found that there are actually humans reading it and some of em have been asking me to update, soo... tadaaa! Here i am!
First of all, i would like to wish HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009! I don't know if it's necessary to include that in this post but i haven't wished it on my blog, sorryy.. XD
So, what happened recently was:
February test baru je over and the difficulty was way beyond than i expected! Jim! SPM YEAR WEH! STUDY LA WEHHH! U NEED TO CONSUME MORE TIME ON STUDYING LA DEY!..
What else eyh? Ohhh yeah.. About 3 weeks ago, i started listening to Alesana and directly fell in love with their songs!.. I found their lyrics very deep and i can relate them to my life.. DON'T ASK! U gotta know one thing about me peeps! I judge a song by their lyrics first, then baru ar by their melody :)
I guess that's it for this post.. I'll be updating more so.. Don't stop visiting zeez blog and do leave a comment at the chatbox! :D
Ohhh, and i finally linked Ashikin.. SORRY IF IT'S THAT LATE! XD
P.S: Sorry for the rojak :| and check out this song! I don't know if u guys would like it, ENJOY :D
First of all, i would like to wish HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009! I don't know if it's necessary to include that in this post but i haven't wished it on my blog, sorryy.. XD
So, what happened recently was:
February test baru je over and the difficulty was way beyond than i expected! Jim! SPM YEAR WEH! STUDY LA WEHHH! U NEED TO CONSUME MORE TIME ON STUDYING LA DEY!..
What else eyh? Ohhh yeah.. About 3 weeks ago, i started listening to Alesana and directly fell in love with their songs!.. I found their lyrics very deep and i can relate them to my life.. DON'T ASK! U gotta know one thing about me peeps! I judge a song by their lyrics first, then baru ar by their melody :)
I guess that's it for this post.. I'll be updating more so.. Don't stop visiting zeez blog and do leave a comment at the chatbox! :D
Ohhh, and i finally linked Ashikin.. SORRY IF IT'S THAT LATE! XD
P.S: Sorry for the rojak :| and check out this song! I don't know if u guys would like it, ENJOY :D
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- Jiman Chiman
- Weee! Welcome to my bloggie! The name is Haziman! Preferred to be called Jiman or just Jim! My blog is like my own diary, it's private yet exposed and if u have a problem with any of my personal life then just deal with it! huh! Sry, i tend to ROJAK my posts :)
Do add me on facebook and myspace email; haziman2006@yahoo.com.my YM; haziman2004@yahoo.com Xoxo