Thursday, June 4, 2009


Pfft.. lol
Idk why this happens all the time... And i don't think i have to mention it kan
Har har.. It's been ages since my last post about the long survey, since i had no idea what to post... Pfft
Hey, May was such a great month, not including the mid terms.. lol!
Staying back after school pratising our sketch for hari guru was fun! Thx to mas, our director and other crew members the performance was a success! We had to perform a sketch about a geek who changed a lot after her friends transformed her.. Yeah, it's like those inspirational movies u often watch on disney channel.. Hahahahah!

Well, idk what to do during the holidays rite now. Has a short trip to penang with mama last monday, and now im in kelantan until sunday

Gahhh! Im boredddddddd and boringggg! Yeah, no mistakes with the grammar :)
I miss manjaing with my friends especially with AGs! Ahhh rindu korg dohhh!

And not to forget Azie, Lan and Syadah! Gosh, i really miss hanging out with u guys!




Wogayh jiman! Promise me that you will update often wogayh! :D
Hahaha, im still bored...
Someone please give a kiss or a hug.. Plishhh? :(
Lap Korg basah kuyup! :D

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