Tuesday, February 9, 2010


What traits are most important to you in your significant other?


Would you rather be burned alive or freeze to death?

Neither, why would i wanna die -.-

Do you live in a fantasy world or in reality?

Reality, although it sucks at times but hey, gotta appreciate it :D

Are you a straight shooter or do you beat around the bush?

Beat around the bush

If you were stuck on a desert island what 2 famous people (1 male, 1 female) would you choose to be with you?

Taylor Lautner and Ellen DeGeneres :D

If you found a million dollar lottery ticket with no name on it would you cash it in?

Yeah sure why not, but money cannot bring total happiness right

If you could be any Disney character which one would you be?

Donald Duck :D

What is your favorite food smell?

Spicy ones

What odd smells do you like?

Brand new books, hahahah

What smells turn you on?

Cologne :)

What smells turn you off?


What traits turn you off in other people?

Ask them

What does your name mean?


What are your strengths?

Can’t think of one.. how sad, hahah XD

What are your weaknesses?

Peer pressure, life problems

What is a huge turn on for you?

Buddies :D

What animal would best describe you?

Homosapien :)

What would be the perfect gift someone could get you?

True friendship :)

If you could live off of 3 foods what would they be?

Edible sudeyh :D

If you could be a mythical creature what would it be?

Vampire ;D

What do you do when no one else is looking?

Look at them back, hahah

What is your midnight snack weakness?


Do you wear underwear?

-.-” Nk tanya colur die tak?

Would you prefer to be hot or cold in bed?

Warm is enough i guess :)

Did you enjoy filling out this survey?

Bosann je..

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